lørdag 20. juni 2009


Red, originally uploaded by sqbbe.

Green, originally uploaded by sqbbe.

Blue, originally uploaded by sqbbe.

fredag 19. juni 2009

First three sequences are hdr from single RAW files shot with 7 sek interval.

The fourth and fifth sequences are non hdr shot with 7 sek and 30 sek interval.

Captured with Nikon D300 and Nikkor 17-55mm f/2,8 and Sigma 10-20mm

onsdag 10. juni 2009

Macro shot of green spider. Shot with Nikon D300 and Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2,8

tirsdag 9. juni 2009

torsdag 4. juni 2009

tirsdag 2. juni 2009

Ølberg - Vertorama

Ølberg - Vertorama, originally uploaded by sqbbe.

Vertorama made from 10 exposures. 2 HDRs. Merged in Photoshop CS4.

Shot with Nikon D300 and Sigma 10-20mm with Hoya NDx8 filter